Thursday, 1 January 2009

Oh Wow, the start of the new year; 2009.

Well, every year is the same old story. This is the year when I loose weight etc but this time it really is.

In March I will be 32. Looking back 2.5years ago I said I will be thin in my 30's, however it has still yet happened.

This time I mean it. I will be thin in my 30's, and here's where it all starts.....

Today me and my family, including my parents, decided to take advantage of the area in which I live in to go for a nice long walk. Walking around two lakes and rambling through the woods we must have walked atleast 3miles.

To finish that off I then embarked on a promised bike ride with my girls.

Not a bad start for a first day on blogging, earning myself 5.5points also.

Lets hope I can continue on like this!


Anonymous said...

I hope 2009 is your year hun - good luck with your weightloss xx

The New Start said...

Thanks Hayley, so do I!