Nine Days On

Friday 9 January 2009

Well, two days in on the Wendi Plan and so far so good!

I have swopped yesterday and todays points around but that is because I didn't need them so much yesterday, lucky I did though as I am feeling hungry today.

The only thing I have to master now is getting my body motivated.....

Day Four

Sunday 4 January 2009

Day four and I am still blogging each day, not bad going. Think it'll probably reduced to once a week very son.

Today I entertained the family, so cooked roast beef. Didn't do too bad I think. Still well within my points and didn't over-indulge; good going I say!

Still can't do any exercise though because my sinus is still playing me up. (Annoying as it is, it's a hard life lol)

I think, come Thursday when I start doing Wendi Plan things will be changing dramatically and exercise will be part of my daily routine. Lets see........

Day Three

Saturday 3 January 2009

Today has been a fairly good day so far, I have stayed within the zone finally.

Was on the message boards tonight though, when I came across someone asking about the Wendi Plan. So, I thought to myself I will take a look.

Sounds pretty good to me, so this week I am gonna give it a whirl!

If anyone has already tried this, then your comments would be welcome.

Here's how my week pans out:

Day 1 (Thursdays) =22 points
Day 2 (Fridays) =19
Day 3 (Saturdays) =31 (High Day Woop)
Day 4 (Sundays) =17 (Low Day)
Day 5 (Mondays) =21
Day 6 (Tuesdays) =20
Day 7 (Wednesdays) =17 (WI Day)

Day Two

Friday 2 January 2009

This is the second day of blogging and already I have fallen! I am feeling rubbish today as I feel full of cold so I just need comfort. So, that is my excuse and I am sticking with that. Tomorrow I will try harder!

Thursday 1 January 2009

Oh Wow, the start of the new year; 2009.

Well, every year is the same old story. This is the year when I loose weight etc but this time it really is.

In March I will be 32. Looking back 2.5years ago I said I will be thin in my 30's, however it has still yet happened.

This time I mean it. I will be thin in my 30's, and here's where it all starts.....

Today me and my family, including my parents, decided to take advantage of the area in which I live in to go for a nice long walk. Walking around two lakes and rambling through the woods we must have walked atleast 3miles.

To finish that off I then embarked on a promised bike ride with my girls.

Not a bad start for a first day on blogging, earning myself 5.5points also.

Lets hope I can continue on like this!

How it all began

I started my weight watchers journey (this time) back in May 08.

It has been a very slow journey for me, souly because I am lazy and unmotivated.

My weight slowly drops off, although my eating habits are fairly good, my job involves sitting down all day.

As a busy mother and wife, I never do find time for myself to exercise, leaving it until late in the evening then loosing interest.

This is where it all has to change. I must learn to involve exercise in my daily life and change those habits in order to shift the weight.

May the jouney commence....